Vendor selection. Capabilities and rates are a given, but what about company culture and personality?

Vendor selection that doesn’t incorporate an appropriate level of human due diligence can lead to undesirable consequences. Choosing contractor partnerships based entirely on geographical capabilities and favorable pricing is an incomplete approach. For medium to large-volume facilities maintenance programs, one simply cannot ignore the significance of the people they will come to rely on.

The characteristics of a “good” outsourced building services partner will work to achieve all of your key performance indicators. It is strongly suggested that you evaluate the account lead that will be assigned to you so that you know upfront what you can expect in terms of personality and experience. Remember, in addition to the tasks they will be completing on your behalf, they will also be representing you to and coordinating with your site location managers and local contractors. Directly or indirectly, they will be a reflection of you, your R&M program and the way you company operates.

Aside from the personality traits of account managers, there is the company as a whole. What is their leadership style and commitment? A maintenance company that has a comprehensive internal structure in place, will provide efficiencies through clearly defined roles and responsibilities. In other words, personnel and departments that understand their jobs, provide support to one another and how to perform their function well. Inquiring about a partner company’s employee development and team building can aid in selecting a more qualified, stable group.

If you’re initiating an RFP or interviewing new service partners for your facilities maintenance program be sure to include thorough due diligence of the people you’re considering partnering with. If ignored, they can become a burden rather than an advantage.